Google Chrome Canary is a beta version of the popular Google web browser Google Chrome. This new beta version is made available to developers for testing purposes. The purpose of the beta version is to improve the functionality of the browser and to make it compatible with a range of different hardware devices. It has been found that Chrome users are much more likely to upgrade to the official version when it becomes available on a wider range of devices. Google has been testing the browser on various Mac computers for a number of months and there have been no significant changes since the browser's public release. There is however a free version of Chrome Canary that can be downloaded from the main website for free, but the features of this version are limited to basic browsing of a limited number of websites.
The new beta version has a number of features that have not been seen before. One such feature is the ability to save bookmarks and open tabs in separate windows. The feature was originally available in beta versions of Firefox, but has never been implemented into the web browser until now. There are also a number of new plug-ins available to add extra functionality to the browser. For example, a new web developer-specific plugin has been added which allows the developer to view the code in a browser window. If you're developing an extension for Chrome and are interested in learning more about the new features, you can visit the official Chrome website. You will be able to find out how to get help from the experts on the newest features.
Although the beta version of Google Chrome is fairly limited, it is still worth checking out and downloading. Many of the features you would expect to find on a high-end browser like Firefox are included in the browser, making it much easier to use the browser on the Mac. If you want to download the latest beta version, you will need to be sure to visit the official site. You can then download the latest version for free and can then install it on your computer. After you've installed the application, you should find that it runs smoothly on your Mac.